Discipleship Podcast

We are interns at Light Bearers Ministry. As we do life together, we are exploring the Bible and what doing ministry looks like when we focus in community.

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Thursday Dec 27, 2018

Traditions are part of society, it is not different with religion. However, can traditions lose value? What is the purpose of traditions?
1 Corinthians 11 part 2 talks about the Lord supper and how traditions need to be seen in the big scheme of things.

Thursday Dec 27, 2018

First Corinthians 11 is a chapter that seems easier to skip rather than trying to understand. But we're here to dive in and try to understand it's implications in our relationships, especially the dynamics between male and female.
What does headship look like? Are there different roles for male and female? What is the purpose of those distinctions? How does that change the way we view male and female in ministry?

Wednesday Nov 28, 2018

How to navigate traditions and principles? How to accommodate people's journey without compromising? Those are hard questions as we navigate faith and relationships. We're finishing our conversations on 1 Corinthians but couldn't wait longer to start talking with you about this important topics. We hope that these conversations will be a blessing to you as much as it has been to us.

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